Is a lack of Self-Belief holding you back?

You know those days when you are in the flow and before you know it, the afternoon has gone, and you have lost all sense of time. And then there are those other days where you feel de-energised and doing your work feels like walking through cement with heavy boots on.
Why is that? It’s because when you are feeling energised by your work, you are using strengths that come naturally to you and doing things you enjoy. Although you don’t go to work thinking ‘today I will use my strength of relationship building’ (or whatever strengths you have) you just naturally do it.
But it can be empowering to have a deeper understanding of strengths and how they have led to your success. If you are asked at interview about your strengths, you can probably reel off a list, but it ends up like a laundry list with no context. Understanding at a deeper level what strengths you have at your fingertips, can help take your performance up a notch and as a result your wellbeing too.
What about weaknesses though? Take self-belief as an example. Many of us struggle with that, and even the most confident person can have their moments. And so, we try not to focus on those feelings because they are uncomfortable. Sometimes we overcompensate with bravado or retreating or whatever other learned behaviours we have adopted. That’s when we feel drained and lacking energy and can’t wait to go home.
But just like learning to drive or ride a bicycle, self-belief is a skill that can be strengthened through practice and using more of your strengths. I’m not claiming that deeply entrenched feelings of not being good enough can be turned around with strengths or even that it can be done easily. But your strengths show you that you are successful and calling on them to support your weaknesses has proven to be an effective tool to help you challenge those beliefs. The first question I ask a client is ‘show me the evidence that your lack of self-belief is true?’
If you would like to gain a deeper understanding of your strengths or work on some behaviours that are holding you back, I would love to hear from you.