You don’t need to sell yourself at interviews

I’m not good at selling myself at interviews? How often do you say that? And to be honest it’s not about selling yourself, it’s about understanding what you have to offer and being able to clearly articulate it. After all, if you went to a surgeon for an operation and they weren’t able to articulate what they were going to do, you wouldn’t think ‘they can’t sell them-self’. You would just think they weren’t very competent and you would look elsewhere.
It’s the same with interviews. If you have a deeper understanding of your skills and experience and what you have to offer, it shouldn’t feel like bragging or big noting.
Here is feedback from a recent client:
”Sharon helped me work through my experience and structure it in a way that I could better communicate my roles & achievements in order to highlight these to a potential employer. I’m not much for self-promoting and it requires a skill which I did not possess. We worked through Strengths & Weaknesses, resume review and Interview preparation – Highly recommend in order to achieve your best presentation in an interview”.
If you really want that job and you need some help with structure, let’s have a chat to see what’s possible