Self-doubt – Friend or Foe?

One of the more common weaknesses I hear from clients is self-doubt. Despite a stellar career where a person has risen through the ranks and appears to be at the top of their game, the self-doubt can still creep in. And self-doubt is useful at times as overconfidence can also cause issues.
I am not talking about that self-doubt when you are starting something new and have no experience. I am talking about despite having a successful career, you continually feel like you are not good enough and will be found out or exposed, even though the evidence is to the contrary.
One of my favourite questions is where is the evidence? And once you start to articulate your thoughts, you begin to realise that doubts are thoughts in your head that have become a habit. Sometimes they are accurate and keep you safe but often there is no evidence. When you first started out in your career self-doubt was necessary as you had no experience. Once you have several years and different roles under your belt, you don’t need it as much. The trick is to call on it at the right time in the right amounts.
Maybe it’s time for you to look for the evidence. If you would like some help with this, get in touch.