Am I on the right career path?

Think of driving to a new destination and your satnav is taking you the long way round. It can be an annoying and not very pleasant experience but if you take the same journey again, this time you will know the shortcuts. Your career can be a bit like that.

We often worry about making the wrong choices and decisions in life, especially when it comes to our career. Sometimes clients will say, I made a mistake taking this job or I am not sure whether to accept this offer.

And while nobody wants to go down the wrong path, in the end whatever path you take ends up being the right one for you. Even a job you don’t particularly like is giving you clues about what you do want.

And when you look back on those roles, there will be things that you have learnt that have taken you to where you are now. Sometimes, its a case of if I hadn’t done that, I wouldn’t have been able to do this.

Nothing is certain in life and the only way we grow and develop is experience. So if you are in a job you are not enjoying, don’t look on it as a mistake, view it as an experience and think about what things you can take away from it to your next role.

If you need help with that, drop me a line for a 30 minute call to see how to get back on the right path for you.