Leadership Development

When you are new to leadership or thrown into a leadership role without any training, it can sometimes seem mysterious and confusing. How am I meant to act? Who am I meant to be? Do I suddenly need to develop charismatic qualities? And how can I ask people to do things when I have been part of the team and now, I’m in charge?
If you take out the mystery, the best leaders tend to be the ones who make others feel good and who are consistent in their approach. And of course, they need to make sure stuff gets done, it’s not all about being touchy feely. But using emotional intelligence and treating others kindly will take you a long way.
Using emotional intelligence doesn’t mean you don’t have boundaries. We all know that person who is hard to manage and will take advantage if their leader is too soft. Part of leading with emotional intelligence means you have control of your own emotions and the way you deal with a hard to manage person is with courage and clear direction.
This can be difficult if you have not had any training on how to approach this. And then it is easier to ignore the poor behaviour and make excuses to yourself. This then sets the tone for the rest of the team who may perceive you as weak or not treating everybody equally. It can be tough.
You wouldn’t expect to drive a car without lessons and leadership is also a skill that can be developed with practice. If you have been in a leadership role for some time now with no training, or you are new to the role, investing in yourself will pave the way for you to grow and develop your skills. Drop me an email or give me a call to chat further. My details are in my contact form.