Kindness is so under-rated

Last week I had the great pleasure of attending the Bambuddha Group Corporate Kindness Awards.
It was such a treat to be amongst a tribe of people aspiring to drive impact in the world through kindness. At the same time, I have been listening to Daniel Pink’s podcast on Regrets and it has felt like an intersection between the two.
These days when people give me feedback one of the things, they will say is that I am kind. I am no Mother Teresa, but it is one of my core values.
But thinking about Daniel Pink’s Regrets, I look back to my past and acknowledge it hasn’t always been the case. If I think about past times when I have been unkind, it has been because I have been fearful of not being good enough or undervalued or overwhelmed.
This is not an excuse. Pink describes a process whereby you self-disclose and relive the past and remind yourself of the lesson. So, in the spirit of self-disclosure If I have been unkind to you in the past I apologise.
And I feel very blessed to have come to a place in my life where my behaviour is not driven by fear but by kindness. Fear can be a powerful driver if you let it go unchecked and I know what I prefer.
#kindness #people #regrets #danielpink