Are you ready to make the internal shift to career success?

This year I am coming up to 10 years in my coaching business and I have been reflecting on clients and trends. What sorts of things have we worked on over the years? And how have things have changed, particularly in the last two years. While there has been a lot to reflect on, one thing stands out for me. One of the biggest factors over 10 years in clients successfully reaching their goals is making internal shifts within themselves.
Here is a sample of clients I have worked with over the years and their results from our coaching program. Client confidentiality is key here, so this is a brief outline:
Client 1:
Female late 50’s working in same industry virtually her whole career. Wanted to start her own business but wasn’t sure what that looked like or how she would get there. Now leasing a 2-story office block and employing 6 staff.
Client 2:
Male late 30’s started a new role which he enjoyed but had become a workaholic which affected his personal life. We worked on boundaries and getting clear about what he contributed so that he could feel more comfortable switching off when not at work. The focus in this program was self-development around career rather than the career itself.
Client 3:
Female mid 50’s had been over 30 years in the same industry and over 15 years in the same role. Was burnt out and looking for a way out but wanted to continue working and have a career. Changed industries and career and very happy with where she has landed. Of course, that won’t happen for everybody in this situation, and you have to be realistic about the chances of that, but we set the goals that were possible at the start of the program.
Whether we are working on career changes, leadership skills or personal development the key to change is the internal shifts that are made, and all of my clients have this in common. This also leads to changes in thinking and behaviours.
While having clarity about the right career path, knowing how to take your CV to the next level, and how to present yourself at interview, are all important, making an internal shift opens up new possibilities and helps you identify those recurring patterns that are keeping you stuck or that are limiting in your life.
From the stories you tell yourself about who you are and what you are capable of, through to your hopes and dreams, which you may dismiss and close them down too soon before further exploration.
Lack of self-belief can play a big role in this but if you are prepared to put the work in and become vulnerable those internal shifts can be bigger than you ever imagined.
With the right support, and the right tools and framework, and with a clear understanding of what you have to offer as well as what you actually want, you can make changes. Most of us look for the next role up from the one we have, rather than really exploring what we want.
If this resonates with you and you are interested in learning more, get in touch and we can explore further.