Your Career Journey

We are all on the same journey of life to the same ultimate destination. But our stops along the way are different to everybody else’s. Sometimes when we look at others and compare careers it can feel like we have not matched up or that ours leave something to be desired.
It’s not true nor is it helpful, why is it we never compare ourselves to somebody who has less than us? I think more and more of us are realising that well being and appreciating the smaller things in life are more important.
And, it’s ok to want more. Why do we set ourselves all these rules about what life should look like. What would happen you if threw the rule book about your career out of the window and set yourself some goals that take you towards a future that you really want. Yes, it will take you out of your comfort zone but all growth comes from moving away from the known into the unknown.
Life is too short to be in a job you don’t like. If you want to make a career change, drop me a line for a 30 minute consultation and let’s see if we can improve what’s happening in your career.
(sorry for all the cliches but they are cliches for a reason) 🙂