What is your Superpower?

Everybody has gifts that are unique to them. Sure, you might be doing the same types of roles with the same results, but the way you approach it will be different.
Each of us has strengths that are inherent and come naturally. If this were not true, we would all have the same personality and be doing our job in exactly the same way as each other. Even if we have the same strengths as our colleague, we will still use them in a different way to them.
And if you take the time to explore you may see how your strengths were already showing up in your childhood.
If you are not sure what you have to offer that is unique to you, consider doing a Strengths Profile. The debriefing can be fascinating and gives you deeper insight into what makes you successful and energises you and what holds you back. If you want to know what your superpower is click on the link to find out more or get in touch to have your questions answered.