Finding meaning & purpose
I began working with Sharon after reaching a state of burnout in my work life which drastically impacted my personal life. I was struggling to find any joy or sense of achievement in the everyday, and felt I was so busy that I had no headspace to pause and work out why. I was overwhelmed and felt I had completely lost sight of Me.
I took time out and worked with Sharon and through our sessions gained a huge sense of perspective on how I got to where I was, why I felt the way I did, and more importantly on how to move on from that state, make changes, and avoid falling into the same situation in future.
Our work on Strengths profiling allowed me to come to many realisations about myself, my energy drivers (and drainers), and how to apply these to future roles and recognise where the positives/negatives and balances between these for me would lie.
Six months after starting to work with Sharon, I started a new role that delivered the meaning and purpose that was missing previously, and feel empowered by Sharon to have been able to recognise it when it came along. I can’t thank her enough!