Interview Success – don’t leave it to chance

Interviews are a funny thing. On the one hand, we want to be ourselves and show our personality. On the other hand, we spend a lot of time trying to second guess what questions we might be asked and rehearsing our answers.
And sometimes the best person doesn’t necessarily get the job. It can be the one who answered the questions that the interviewer resonates with. Or they like a particular person over another one because they relate to them more. And so, we can tie ourselves up in knots wondering should I say this, or should I say that?
And then when it comes to weaknesses, we all try to present them in the best possible light. We might say I have high standards, or I work long hours and never know when to stop. All of which can make you look like an attractive employee. The trouble is that we can then end up in a role or company we don’t actually like and we have set unrealistic expectations about what we are prepared to do.
In some ways, it is a shame that our current employer can’t be the one who is interviewed. I understand why that wouldn’t work and it’s not practical, but how much easier would it be?
If you are currently taking part in interviews and want to ensure you give your best, consider getting some coaching from a professional. Using structure and process can take away all that second-guessing and allow you to focus on what you do best – being you.
Don’t leave it to chance or to how you are feeling on the day. Give yourself the best shot at getting that job offer. If you want some help, call me and let’s talk. 0414 824 444